Such bullying can be emotional, verbal and/or physical. It can be subtle or obvious, and can occur once or over a period of time. Whatever form the bullying takes it utilises the illegitimate use of power in order to hurt others.
Examples of bullying are threats of violence, actual physical violence or intimidation, verbal malice, exclusion of the victim and harassment (including sexual or racial).
Students may be skilled in bullying behaviours such as fighting, manipulating or intimidating. Others may be skilled in those behaviours associated with being a victim, such as attention seeking, over sensitivity and the inability to have their needs met. In both categories students are often inadequate in the socially desirable behaviours, such as negotiating differences, dealing with conflict, responding to failure, responding appropriately to stressful situations, to rejection, peer pressure and anger.
This policy is designed in response to the understanding that bullying has painful consequences for the victim and also subsequently for the classroom environment and the College’s learning culture. This is because a student’s feeling of safety and their ability to learn is affected by the power struggles within the school environment. This policy acknowledges that early intervention to address bullying behaviours may reduce the incidence of anti-social behaviours in adulthood.
Research has shown that taking two important steps can reduce bullying:
- Creating an active, practical policy;
- Openly discussing bullying (silence and secrecy nurture bullying).
To find out more download the Safe School Procedure Flowchart | PDF 16KB
The Proactive Process
- Staff will actively supervise students in all school activities.
- The College’s attitude to bullies will be communicated to boys’ on a regular basis through College Assemblies.
- The rights and responsibilities of the College Community are published and supported.
- Students are urged to report bullying to the appropriate people. This can be verbal or by using the
College email - The College also surveys various year groups regarding bullying throughout the year.
Reporting Bullying Behaviour
Students report the behaviour to the Home Room teacher, another teacher, directly to a member of the Pastoral Care Team or through the Student Portal. When bullying is reported the following may occur:
- Peer conferencing between the victim, support person/s, the bully/bullies and supporting teacher
- Follow up by the supporting teacher
- Contact with the parents of the victim and the bully
- If the bullying is repeated, intervention by the Pastoral Care Coordinator