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College Uniform and Grooming Guidelines
The College uniform is designed to present a positive image of the College to the wider community. The uniform should foster a sense of belonging and pride and the way it is worn in public, displays a level of support and respect for the College.
Junior Summer Uniform
Junior Winter Uniform
Senior Summer Uniform
Senior Winter Uniform
College Pullover
College Bag
College Sports Uniform
College Tracksuit

The responsibility of wearing the uniform properly does not end at the College gates and it is important that the St Edward’s College uniform is worn correctly to and from school.

The College uniform can only be purchased from the College Uniform Shop which is operated by the independent company Midford. The shop is located at Unit 3/6 Bowen Crescent, West Gosford.

Hours of operation are Monday to Friday between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm. Alternatively, online orders can be made, please see the flyer below for online order information.                        

Second Hand Uniforms

St Edward's College has a Second Hand Uniform Group on Facebook that allows parents to buy and sell College second hand uniforms. The official name is St Edward’s College Second Hand Uniforms Group, East Gosford. Only St Edward’s College uniforms can be advertised on this page and parents need to join the group to be able to access it. We ask that parents continue to observe the expectations of the College when using social media, and any unrelated or unnecessary comments or posts will be deleted.



St Edward's College Summer Uniform – Term One and Term Four

Years 7 to 10

  • College short sleeve blue shirt with crest on pocket
  • College grey shorts or long grey trousers
  • College grey pullover
  • College grey short socks
  • College cap
  • Black lace up leather shoes (shoes must be able to be polished, strictly no runners, skate shoes or other casual black shoes.  Refer to Acceptable Shoes document on this page.)

Years 11 to 12

  • College short sleeve white shirt with crest on pocket
  • College grey shorts or long grey trousers
  • College grey pullover
  • College grey short socks
  • College cap
  • Black lace up leather shoes (shoes must be able to be polished, strictly no runners, skate shoes or other casual black shoes.  Refer to Acceptable Shoes document on this page.)

St Edward's College Winter Uniform – Term Two and Term Three

Years 7 to 10

  • College short sleeve blue shirt with crest on pocket (or optional long sleeve blue shirt with crest on pocket by order from Uniform shop)
  • College tie
  • College long grey trousers
  • College grey pullover
  • College blazer
  • College grey short socks
  • College cap
  • Black lace up leather shoes (shoes must be able to be polished, strictly no runners, skate shoes or other casual black shoes.  Refer to Acceptable Shoes document on this page.)

Years 11 to 12

  • College short or long sleeve white shirt with crest on pocket (collar must be large enough to accommodate a tie neatly)
  • College senior tie
  • College long grey trousers
  • College grey pullover
  • College blazer or Year 12 Leavers Jackets/Jumpers (Jackets/Jumpers organized by Year Co-ordinator)
  • College grey short socks
  • College cap
  • Black lace up leather shoes (shoes must be able to be polished, strictly no runners, skate shoes or other casual black shoes.  Refer to Acceptable Shoes document on this page.)

St Edward's College Sports/PE Uniform

Years 7 to 12:

  • College polo shirt
  • College black shorts with school crest
  • College tracksuit
  • Sports shoes with ankle length sports socks that are plain black or white without large logos. (Skate/surf style shoes are not acceptable.  Refer to Acceptable Shoes document on this page.)
  • College cap

The full sports uniform should be worn on Fridays for all students in years 7 to 10. For cold weather the College tracksuit or College pullover should be worn, no other jumpers/shirts are acceptable.

Any student representing the College in Years 7 to 12, is expected to wear the full sports uniform to and from the activity.

PD/H/PE teachers will inform students when they are required to bring their sports uniform for practical lessons. On these occasions sports uniforms are worn only for that period.


It is the student’s responsibility to maintain the correct shoes by polishing them frequently, inspections by Year Co-ordinators will take place throughout the year.

Light weight canvas shoes for sport are not acceptable as they do not provide suitable protection in Science and Technics classes.


Belts worn with either shorts or pants must be plain grey or black with a simple buckle. Patterned belts or those with logos are not appropriate. Suitable belts can be purchased from the uniform shop.

Hair and Grooming

Boys are expected to keep their hair well-groomed.  Hair is to be clean and neatly cut, off the collar, of their natural colour.  Extreme styles are not acceptable.  Styles are expected to be reasonably conservative and guided by common sense.  Examples of unacceptable styles include what are known as 'undercuts', 'layers', 'steps', 'lines' and 'burst fades'.  Unacceptable styles also include any marked contrasts of length, for example, mullets, bowl cuts, rat's tails, Mohawk style cuts or shape, long fringes, excessive gel.  Students' hair must also not be cut shorter than a 'No 2'.  Slits in eyebrows and other facial adornments are not acceptable. This list is not exhaustive.

Ultimately the College Executive will determine if a cut is acceptable for the appropriate image that the College wishes to present to the community. Action will follow against those boys who are not complying with College rules and no correspondence will be entered into. If there is any doubt in the student’s minds concerning style of cut, they should consult the College before they have their hair cut. The judgement of the Deputy Principal and the Director of Pastoral Care is final. Boys are also expected to be clean shaven at all times.

Students who choose to have tattoos must keep them covered while in College uniform. Studs in piercings, including clear jewellery are not acceptable, nor is placing band-aids over piercings.


The College rule is that no jewellery is to be worn other than a watch (this includes any jewellery in piercings including clear jewellery). Placing band-aids over piercings is not permitted.

A necklace bearing a discreet Catholic image such as a small crucifix may be worn inside the shirt. Charity bands may be worn for a short period after the charity day but are not to become a permanent item.

School Bags

All students in Years 7 to 10 are required to purchase the College bag from the uniform shop. College bags must be used at all times including Friday sport days.

Students in Years 11 and 12 may use an appropriate backpack, predominately black or grey in colour.

Bags should be free of graffiti and be kept clean and in good repair.