News Category: Parent Connection

Elevate Education Free Webinar

How to Get Your Child Motivated – Free Webinar We’re excited to announce that on Wednesday 2 August 2023, Elevate…

Parent Tips – Teenage Friendships

Teenage friendships evolve, becoming more intricate and built on trust. As our children transition to secondary school, they might face…

Parenting Top Tips

Despite Mental Health Month already behind us, we should continue to focus for the rest of our lives. As parents…

Men’s Health

Men’s health –  a topic that is often swept under the carpet. Let’s talk more and understand that self-care is…

Parent Tips

As our kids grow up and show they can be trusted to follow the rules, we can let them have…

Parenting Tips

As your kids navigate being teenagers, setting boundaries gets trickier. Parenting teens means finding the right balance: enough guidance and…

Parenting Tips – Communication is Key

Communication is Key! How we communicate with boys changes as they grow up. But whether they are young children or in…

Attention Old Boys

Attention Old Boys – Invitation to The Big Night Out The College is hosting The Big Night Out, a celebration…