News Category: Parent Connection

Busways Information

See the link below for the latest information from Busways regarding the school bus service 222 am service.  

Parenting Ideas – In Praise of Fathers

In Praise of Fathers: The Place of The Modern Dad Fatherhood has been transformed from the breadwinner and disciplinarian role…

Positions Vacant

Click the link below to see the latest positions vacant at St Edward’s College.  

Position Vacant

For the latest position vacant please see the link below to the Employment page of the College website:

Parent Ideas – Respectful Relationships

The Language of Respectful Relationships “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This reply…

Parent Ideas – Make Time for Down-Time

If your teenage children live wound-up, highly scheduled lives then they need to rediscover the lost art of down-town. Down-time…

How to Help Your Kids

How to Help Your Kids Succeed in School Without Piling on the Pressure There are four key things children need…