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Year 7 Elephant Ed Incursion
It was exciting to host a joint venture with St Joseph’s College last Wednesday, 12 June, combining the Year 7 cohorts of both schools and led in part by both prefect leadership teams.

The event was entitled ‘Respectful Relationships’ and aimed to build positive and respectful connections between our schools and their student bodies. Highlights included the fun and engaging icebreaker games run by the prefects, the shared morning tea provided by both schools and the small group sessions on respectful relationships run by Elephant Ed, leaders in adolescent wellbeing and personal development programs.

Feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive as they received a shared message about what respectful, kind and inclusive relationships look like in our contemporary context. It is our hope that collaborative endeavours between our two schools can grow from here as we seek to foster right relationships between all our students. A special thank you to both Year 12 Prefect teams and the wonderful staff from St Joseph’s College for their efforts that made the event such a success.


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