PHONE: (02) 4321 6400 Enrolments
Uniform Shop Opening Times
Cowan and Lewis Uniform Shop Opening Times

The current hours of operation for the uniform shop at the West Gosford warehouse (3/6 Bowen Crescent, West Gosford) are:

Monday and Friday between 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm

Contact information for Cowan and Lewis is as follows:

The following exceptions regarding uniform will continue to apply:
  • Students are welcome but are not required to wear a College blazer
  • A summer uniform is permitted while the temperature remains warm
  • A tie is to be worn if a student is wearing the winter uniform
  • As we move into the colder months, students are to wear either their College jumper or College tracksuit top, if they do not have a blazer
  • On days where a student has the subject PDHPE, they are permitted to wear their College sport uniform or tracksuit to school for the day
  • No non-school uniform items are to be worn at any time.