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Trash Free Tuesday – Term 2 Update
Welcome back to a brand new term, where the chords of change ring louder and the beats of sustainability resonate deeper. As we rekindle the spirit of learning, let’s amplify our commitment to a greener tomorrow with Trash Free Tuesday!

🌿 Harmonizing with the Clean Playground Competition 🌿
This term, our beloved Trash Free Tuesdays will not only continue to reduce waste but also play a crescendo-ing part in the Clean Playground Competition, where bonus points will be awarded to the Year Group with the highest percentage participation.

🎤 A New Theme: Concert Series 🎤
Last term’s NFL theme brought out the champions in us. This term, we’re taking a melodious turn. Get ready for a concert series theme, where we’ll celebrate our favourite artists and the music that moves us. Each week, we’ll spotlight a genre or artist, and homerooms will have the chance to dedicate songs that inspire eco-friendly actions.

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