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Supporting your Teen – The Fathering Project
Supporting Your Teen to Have Healthy Self-Esteem
What do you remember most from your teen years?
An often carefree and exciting time, but with many changes taking place both physically, emotionally and cognitively.
With these changes can come feelings of confusion and insecurity around self-image and self-esteem where teens need our support and guidance.
There is clear evidence that fathers can have a distinct impact on their teenager’s self-esteem, particularly when it comes to their daughters.
Three tips to support their self-esteem
- Encourage them to try new activities and take calculated risks.
- Show them that their opinions and what they say is valued and important to you.
- Evaluate the realism of images seen online, on TV and movies. Remind them that what’s portrayed is not reflective of real life; that they shouldn’t compare themselves to these ideals.
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Top Fathering Tips
- Take part in activities they enjoy. Engage in things they want to do and do it together. Whether it’s gaming, sport, creative arts or going out to their favourite place to eat.
- Make the most of the time in the car. Drive them to and from friend’s houses or outings and spend the travel time catching up.
- Take an interest in their friends. This will give you valuable insight into how they are coping emotionally and socially, as well as connect you to the young people most important to your child.
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