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Sport Report
Term 4 – BBSSSA Competition – Rationale

The continuing challenge of COVID-19 and NSW Public Health Orders precluded BBSSSA sports in their traditional championship days from being viable at the start of Term 4 2020. There was strong support for some form of inter-school sporting competitions from member schools due to the positive physical and mental health benefits for our students particularly during this uncertain and challenging time for them. This competition aligns with the current CSO strategic themes and priorities of examining initiatives to support the diversity of learners and innovation in learning and teaching under the Student Achievement strand (Catholic Schools Broken Bay: Towards 2025 strategic direction).

Given the circumstances of sport this year, it was decided to trial a competition format that would allow students to play representative sport in a ‘Zone’ based format. This was in line with restrictions set during Term 3. ‘Northern’ (Central Coast) and ‘Southern’ (Sydney) BBSSSA Zones were temporarily created and a round robin competition organised between these geographically closer schools. For the boys it was, Stage 4 and Stage 5 Touch Football and the girls, Netball.

Please see the link to the Touch Football report below

Term 4 – Friday Sport House Competition

The new format for the House competition kicked-off earlier this Term, with the return to some normalcy on a Friday, with one year on campus and one off campus. Each House has four teams, each team plays a different team from each House, each week. The level of competition and enthusiasm has gone up a notch.

In Week 1 we had Year 9 take on the new format, setting the standard and expectation for House pride in the afternoon Oztag competition.

Year 9 House Totals:

Doolan                         Knights                        Shanahan                    Spillane

55                                30                                70                                50

In Week 2, it was Year 7’s turn to have a go at the new format.

Year 7 House Totals:

Doolan                         Knights                        Shanahan                    Spillane

45                                55                                50                                50

In Week 3, Year 10 had their turn. It was great to see the enthusiasm and banter with-which all the teams took on the challenge.

Year 10 House Totals:

Doolan                         Knights                        Shanahan                    Spillane

40                                60                                45                                55





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