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Principal’s Message

Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone

Liberating Education

We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.

Farewell Year 12

This week we say goodbye to our Year 12 students as they conclude their formal classes and shift their focus to final preparations for the HSC Examinations. This remarkable group of young men has upheld the tradition of excellence that defines our school. Their dedication and commitment to achieving their personal best have been evident throughout their time at St Edward’s. We have no doubt that they will continue to excel in their upcoming exams and wish them all the very best in this crucial stage of their academic journey.

We have witnessed these students evolve from twelve-year-old boys starting in Year 7 to the outstanding young men they are today. When asked what makes St Edward’s exceptional, I am quick to highlight the calibre of our Year 12 graduates as our greatest success. While academic performance is a significant indicator, we believe that true success lies in nurturing young people who possess a strong social conscience, who challenge conventional thinking, who reflect on their values and spirituality, and who are poised to become responsible partners, fathers, friends, and role models contributing positively to society. The 2024 graduating class embodies this ideal.



To mark their farewell, we held two significant events: the Graduation Mass and the Academic Awards Assembly. The Graduation Mass, held on Wednesday evening, was a special occasion where Year 12 students, their families, and teachers gathered to bless their journey beyond St Edward’s. Father Vince Casey from Terrigal Parish celebrated the Mass, and a highlight was the response to the Gospel  delivered by Abhishek Thomas. Abhishek’s thoughtful reflection on the Gospel, coupled with the parent Choir’s performance, was a fitting tribute to the students’ journey. We are thankful to Father Vince for allowing Abishek to share his insights. His message reinforced our faith in the potential of our young people to make a positive impact on the world.

Today’s Academic Awards Assembly celebrated the academic achievements of our Year 12 students and recognized their contributions to College life. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all award recipients for their hard work and dedication.  The winners of the major awards are:


Award Recipient
Edmund Rice Honours – Distinction Jye LeBrocq, Kale Puata
Order of Australia Youth Community Service Award Kale Puata
Justin Spittles Award for Social Justice Abhishek Thomas
Mitchell Price Award for Service to the College Leon Towle
Kevin Liggett Memorial Award for Computing Joshua Mangan
Br MJ Shanahan Award for Meritorious Effort Joshua Malek
Michael Kokegei TEST Award for Teamwork in Basketball Tom Roth
University of Newcastle Award for Academic Excellence Andrew Hodge
ADF Long Tan Award Kale Puata
ADF Future Innovators Award Joshua Malek
Ampol All Rounder Rex Allwood
Ruben F Scarf Award Ronan Bishop
Principal’s Award for Leadership Juan Jose Rodriguez Caldas
Dux Christopher Dodd



Christopher Dodd, College Dux


Congratulations and Upcoming Term Information

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all students who have dedicated themselves to a diverse range of activities this term, including academic, spiritual, social justice, and extra-curricular pursuits. Your commitment and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and you should be proud of your contributions and achievements.

The Term 3 Interim Reports for Years 7-10 are now available on the College Portal. These reports offer valuable feedback aligned with our newly developed College Learner Profile. I encourage all students and their families to review these reports carefully and use the insights to set meaningful learning goals for the remainder of the year. For Year 11 students, the Preliminary Report will be issued early in Term 4.

As we approach the holiday break, I hope everyone takes this time to relax, reflect on the year’s progress, and recharge for the term ahead. Wishing all students and their families a safe and enjoyable holiday. Please remember that Term 4 classes will commence on Monday, October 14.


St Edward’s College Advisory Council – Seeking New Member

The St Edward’s College Advisory Council plays a vital role in collaborating with the College Senior Leadership Team to provide strategic advice and support. Their aim is to ensure the best possible learning environment for our students. The Council is a valuable source of wisdom and insight and strengthens our community connections.

Our current Advisory Council includes representatives with expertise in financial management, building and facilities, education, marketing, and faith formation. We are now seeking a new member with a legal background to join our team, as our previous legal representative has had to step down for personal reasons.

We invite individuals from within the Central Coast community who have a legal background to consider this opportunity. Membership of the Advisory Council is open to those with a broad range of connections to the College, not limited to immediate family members. We encourage families to share this information with friends and extended family members who might be interested in contributing to this important group.

For more details about the role and responsibilities of the Advisory Council, please click here.

To express your interest, please complete the form click here.