Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones
Liberating Education
As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person, through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and sacraments
Holy Thursday Easter Liturgy
As a Catholic school conducted in the traditions of Edmund Rice, it is important that we take time as a community to reflect on the important sacred stories that underpin our faith and our values. Easter and the sacred story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is one of the central Holy days of Christianity. It honours the resurrection of Jesus three days after his death by crucifixion. Easter is the joyful conclusion of the Lenten Season of prayer.
Today, the St Edward’s and St Joseph’s communities joined in celebration of Easter and Holy Week, through a powerful and meaningful liturgy. The exceptional talents of students from each school were on display in musical items and a drama representation of the Stations of the Cross. This annual event and the telling of the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection in a relevant and engaging way, combined with prayerful reflection, is designed to foster the spirituality of all community members and to deepen our understanding of the importance of Easter.
I would like to thank the many staff and students from each College who planned and performed in this wonderful celebration of our faith.

Inaugural St Edward’s College Career Pathways Expo
On Thursday March 30 the College hosted the inaugural St Edward’s Careers Pathways Expo. This event was open to all Catholic high schools on the Central Coast, providing an opportunity for students and parents to engage with representatives from a range of tertiary institutions including universities and TAFE, local businesses and employment agencies, representatives from government organisations including the Defence Forces and Police, all with a view to provide current and accurate information about career opportunities.
The evening was a great success with approximately one thousand students and parents attending. The event was organised by Mrs Juliana Dignam, the College Careers and VET Leader of Learning. The Expo has been part of Juliana’s vision for Careers education for several years. Her meticulous planning, dedication and commitment to see the idea come to fruition is testament to her professionalism and passion for her work. We thank her for her outstanding work.

Winter Uniform

Families are reminded that at the commencement of Term 2, all students are required to wear their full winter school uniform Monday to Thursday, consisting of the College blazer, College shirt, long pants and tie. The College sport uniform and tracksuit is to be worn on Friday by students in Years 7-10, while our senior students continue to wear their winter uniform. Parents and students are reminded that skate shoes are not considered appropriate sporting shoes and are not to be worn in PE lessons or on Friday. Students are not permitted to wear their College tracksuit top or any other non-school jumper with their winter uniform and only the College jumper or College blazer are to be worn.
End of Term Message
I would like to congratulate and thank students who have applied themselves to so many of the academic, spiritual, social justice and extra-curricular activities throughout the term. The Term 1 Interim Reports for Year 7-11 are now available on the College Portal and provide important feedback to students and families in relation to the newly developed College Learner Profile. I encourage students to take time to reflect on the information provided in these reports to assist them in establishing learning goals for the remainder pf the year.
The holiday break provides a good opportunity to relax and reflect on the start to the year and to re-energise for the term ahead. I wish all students and their families a safe and happy Easter break. Monday April 24th is a gazetted Staff Development Day and there are no classes scheduled for this day. Term 2 classes will commence on Wednesday April 26th following ANZAC Day, with all classes scheduled as normal.
2024 Enrolments
The College is now accepting enrolment applications for Year 7 2024. The enrolment process is completed online via the College website at: https://www.stedwards.nsw.edu.au/enrolment/
The enrolment information clearly outlines the enrolment criteria. Applications received after Friday May 19, will be processed as late applications. Current families who are aware of family or friends who wish to apply for their son to attend St Edward’s, are asked to encourage them to visit the College website for information about the College and the process of enrolment.