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New College Award System
College Awards
To encourage students to excel and to develop a growth mindset which reflects our Learner Profile, a new system of Academic Awards will be launched this year. There will be four new awards at our semester academic assemblies:
- Learner Profile Award: for students in the top 10% of their cohort based on Learner Profile score.
- School Spirit Award: for students who show a commitment to the ethos of St Edward’s including: attendance at both the Swimming and Athletic Carnivals, attendance at Founder’s Day, attendance on the final day of at least two terms (1, 2 or 3), service contribution to the College, completion of mandatory Waterford hours, combined with a positive record for uniform and behaviour.
- Student Growth Award: for students who have shown substantial growth in the learner profile compared with other students in their cohort.
- Academic Award: students in the top 3% of the cohort in a subject.
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