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The Environment, Sport and Wellbeing Portfolio, along with all of our College prefects are getting the ball rolling and kicking off Movember this week!

This year has significantly highlighted the importance of looking out for one another.  Our fathers, partners, brothers, carers and friends are also facing a health crisis, yet it is rarely talked about. Men are dying too young and we can’t afford to stay silent.

For the month of November, all staff and students are encouraged to take part in Movember and try to do their bit to raise awareness for men’s health.  To participate you need to sign up and join the St Edward’s College Team, simply search for ‘St Edward’s College East Gosford” on the Movember website or follow link:

If you wish to participate, here is the lowdown:

  • All students can participate
  • You must register on the Movember website – under St Edward’s College Team (as per link above)
  • You can choose to Gro a Mo or Move for men’s health by using the Movember Move Tracker
  • You must raise a minimum of $20 under your Mo profile and the St Edward’s College Team page


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