PHONE: (02) 4321 6400 Enrolments
Message From NSW Police Transport and Public Safety Command
Students at Public Transport Hubs Including Gosford Railway Station and Bus Interchange

Students are reminded to ensure good behaviour around transport hubs, due to the very real risk of serious injury from falling onto tracks or getting struck by trains or buses. Please be reminded that pushing and shoving one another, general horse play and throwing items at each other can result in injury as well as impactinig other users of the public transport network, putting them also in danger.

From our perspective, now that students are returning, they seem to have forgotten what is required of them to travel, which is wearing a face mask while on the stations, at bus stops and on the trains and buses and using an opal card every trip, either a school opal card or a child opal card if they forget the school card. For those boarding trains and buses, be courteous to those who are paying for their travel, wait until everyone else has boarded the service before boarding so adults can get a seat after their day at work, don’t crowd around the train or bus doors on arrival at stops.