PHONE: (02) 4321 6400 Enrolments
Community Notices – 16 September 2021


Our Family Support and Parenting Courses Are All Available Online

Central Coast Family Support Services hopes you are all remaining safe and well. We know that it can be a challenging time for many of us, and we have modified our service delivery to maintain support to Central Coast families and to assist clients to navigate these difficult days.

We are still taking referrals for support, and providing case management remotely over the phone and via zoom. We have also increased the number of parenting courses available online available for parents living on the Central Coast.
The health, safety and wellbeing of families and vulnerable members of our community is paramount. If you have any questions, feedback or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us on the below details.

Online request for Support:
View current course calendar: 

FREE Workshop for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Trauma and Difficult Behaviour in Children Workshop

Central Coast Family Support Services Inc along with Communities for Children Wyong will be holding a FREE workshop on Trauma and Difficult Behaviour in Children for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren on the Central Coast. This workshop covers current research on the effects of abuse and trauma on brain development in children and separation and attachment, with a focus on how this may impact behaviour and relationships in children. The workshop will include strategies to help grandparents in parenting their children where there has been a history of trauma. There will also be time for questions and discussions.

When: 17th November 2021 9:30am – 2pm
Where: Mingara Recreation Club, 12-14 Mingara Dr Tumbi Umbi

Morning tea and Lunch is provided and childcare is available on the day.

RSVP to CCFSS on 4340 1585 or email


$100 Service NSW Creative Kids Vouchers


If you’re a parent, carer or guardian, the student will be eligible if they are:

  • a NSW resident
  • aged between 4.5 and 18 years
  • enrolled in school (from Kindergarten to Year 12, including those who are
    home-schooled or enrolled in secondary school education at TAFE NSW)
  • a current Medicare card holder

You can apply for a voucher for each eligible student.

You can use the voucher with approved Creative Kids providers.

Download your voucher from the Service NSW Website as follows: