PHONE: (02) 4321 6400 Enrolments
Coming Up in Sport
College Swimming Carnival 2023

Information regarding this carnival has been emailed to all families. This included details on:

Date: Friday 3 February 2023
Venue: PLC Woy Woy
Travel: By school bus or parent transport

Events:  A link to register students for competitive races (only – those wishing to compete for Age Champion or represent the school at the Broken Bay Carnival) was attached to the email. Once these races have been raced, students can also race their mates in non-competitive races for each event.

First event – 200m Freestyle starts at 8.30 am. Students will need to make their own way there for this race as the buses will not arrive in time. The carnival will finish around 2.00 pm.

Uniform: Boys in Years 7-10 are to wear their College Sports Uniform, they can then change into their House colours once at the pool. Senior boys are able to wear appropriate ‘mufti’ clothing.

All carnival details will be explained to the boys on the first full school day back (Wednesday 1 February) next year.

Click Here for Link


Coming Up in Sport – Early 2023
Week Event Venue Date
Week 1 College Swimming Carnival
(See link above)
PLC Woy Woy Friday 3 February 2023
Week 3 NSWCCC Softball Selections Stanhope Gardens Tuesday 14 February 2023
Week 3 BBSSSA Opens Touch Football Doyalson Tuesday 14 February 2023
Week 4 NSWCCC Opens Cricket Selections Riverwood Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 February 2023
Week 4 BBSSSA Under 15’s Touch Football Northern Beaches Tuesday 21 February 2023
Week 4 NSW All School Triathlon Penrith Regatta Centre Individual and Teams Thursday 23 and Friday 24 February 2023
Week 5 NSWCCC Tennis Selection Parramatta Monday 27 February 2023
Week 6 NSWCCC Baseball Selections Castle Glen Tuesday 7 March 2023


* For all NSWCCC Selections and NSW All Schools Triathlon (Individual) events, students are required to register via the CSNSW website.

You will need to ‘create account,’ if you do not have one OR ‘login’ using your existing account (NSWCCC or Polding). Once logged in, click on ‘register my child’ and follow the directions to register your son. Please be aware that these initial sports have closing dates to register.

** For the above Broken Bay (BBSSSA) events, College teams will attend. Information regarding these teams will be in the Daily Notices in Weeks 1 and 2 next year.

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