MedEntry’s latest curriculum update makes our platform the most comprehensive resource available
Access to the most relevant and accurate material is crucial when preparing for the UCAT. That’s why MedEntry regularly updates learning resources, questions and content on the learning platform.
But this year, we’ve gone much further, overhauling the curriculum to guarantee every aspect of your study applies to the latest UCAT exam. From strategies and methods to quizzes and mock questions, you’ll be learning skills that made MedEntry graduates excel in the most recent UCAT exam.
Benefit from the guidance of Dr Ann Deely, consultant Dermatologist, lecturer and MedEntry co-founder
With Dr Ann’s help, more than 20,000 students have made their dream career a reality. Now, with a fresh new curriculum, Dr Ann becomes your virtual mentor, featuring in the 1,000+ video lessons.
These high-quality virtual tutorials make the world’s number 1 medical entry course more approachable, interactive and effective. Step by step, you’ll be carefully guided through the course material until the most challenging aspects of the UCAT become your strengths.
Click here for more information
Click here for 4 Mindset Shifts to Tackle UCAT
Applying for Medicine in the UK and Australia – Click Here

Events for Students
Year 12 Webinar Series
Starts Tuesday, 7 May
This series will give Year 12 students the inside scoop on everything they need to know about university – from choosing a degree, navigating entry programs, and applying to study, to tips and tricks for reducing their stress levels and boosting wellbeing.
Our Year 12 Guide to Uni webinar is held on Tuesday 7 May from 6-7pm
Year 10 Webinar Series
Thursday, 9 May: 6 – 7pm
Year 10 students will learn all about what they can do in Years 11 and 12 to maximise their chances of securing a place at uni.
· How to select HSC subjects that best align with your future interests
· Entry pathways and schemes
· The importance of extracurricular activities during Year 11 and 12

Year 12 Information Evening | Wednesday 22 May | 4-7pm
Explore our iconic campus and learn more about university entry, scholarships, study options and more at our information evening for Year 12 students and their caregivers. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore your options and ask any questions you have about joining the Sydney student community next year.
Our on-campus event will include a tour, course advice exhibition and information sessions on curriculum, scholarships, student support, campus life and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander study pathways. If you can’t make it in person, don’t worry – our online session on the 23rd will cover everything you need to know!
Updates & Resources
Online or in-person bookable consultation sessions for Year 11 and 12 students
We encourage Year 11 students to ask any questions about their journey to Sydney now to take some of the stress away. Organise to have a member from our team visit your school to run one-to-one or small group consultations. If online consultations are preferred, let us know and we can arrange to deliver an online session to your students. To find out more email us at schools.outreach@sydney.edu.au
Upcoming Webinars
View all our Term 2 webinars – click here
Medicine at Sydney | Wednesday 8 May 4–4:30pm – Click Here
Studying medicine at the University of Sydney will equip your students with the leadership capabilities, clinical skills and human understanding required to make a genuine difference to the lives of individuals and communities across Australia and the rest of the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about our flexible and rewarding double degrees in medicine, as well as how to best prepare for the admissions process at Sydney.
Upcoming Events & Engagements
Your students are invited to join us at the Sydney College of the Arts Portfolio Evening for personalized feedback to boost their Bachelor of Visual Arts application at the University of Sydney. They will get one-on-one advice on enhancing their portfolio and learn about our degrees, facilities, and student opportunities. Don’t miss this chance for valuable insights to elevate your portfolio to support your application.
The M in STEM | Wednesday 29 May 5-7pm
Everybody knows that science, technology and engineering will continue to shape the world we live in. But how does high school mathematics fit into the real work? Encourage your students to find out at this 2-hour event including career talks from real mathematicians, networking with current university students studying STEM, and getting advice about science degrees and enrolment. Optional tours of campus available before the program from 4-4:40pm.
Music Portfolio Evening | Friday 17 May 4:30-7pm – Click Here
Are your students interested in Music? Encourage them to join us at the Music Portfolio Evening on 17 May at Sydney Conservatorium of Music. They will get tailored advice from our staff to enhance their application for Composition Bachelor of Music programs. Receive personalized feedback, tour the campus, and learn about our courses. Plus, register to get TWO free tickets* to the Wind Symphony performance by Ingrid Martin. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your application and explore study opportunities at the Con. *Subject to availability; ticket code provided upon registration.
ARTiculate Talk Series – Term 2 – Click Here
We are very excited to announce that our ARTiculate Talk Series will be commencing again in Term 2! Hear from our academics as they deliver free HSC talks on Ancient History, Economics, Studies of Religion, English and many more.
Our first talk in Ancient History | Greek Writers on Sparta: A survey of perspectives will be delivered online by Dr Ben Brown on Tuesday 7 May at 5pm.

Early Entry Program Applications Now Open
Applications for our Early Entry Program are now open for Semester 1, 2025. Our free Early Entry Program means students can receive an offer to study at the University of Newcastle before commencing HSC exams.
Our Early Entry Program is limited to domestic Year 12 students completing either their NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) or ACT Senior Secondary Certificate (ACT SSC). Offers are conditional on students completing the HSC or equivalent. Applicants must be undertaking a study pattern indicative of eligibility for an ATAR in Year 12.
Key Dates
- 8 April – Early Entry Program applications open
- 5 September – Round 1 early offers released
- 19 September – Round 2 early offers released
- 4 October – Round 3 early offers released
Eligible applicants will receive only one early offer. Students should consider this when completing their preferences. After receiving an early offer, recipients cannot change their preferences to receive multiple offers in later rounds.
Students can apply for free now. Further information about our Early Entry Program will be shared at upcoming Careers Advisers webinars and workshops.
HSC Subject Specific Webinars – June
In partnership with InspirationED, University of Newcastle will be offering Year 12 students additional HSC support through a series of HSC subject specific webinars running in June. Led by senior HSC markers, the sessions will delve into effective study techniques, exam hacks and strategies for excelling in the HSC.
Click Here for List and Registration
FUTURE Students
Students and Parents – Upcoming Events
We’re excited to share with you our upcoming webinars and face-to-face events available for students and parents to attend. Please see below registration information and share with your colleagues and school community.
Webinars/Events – Students and Parents/Carers
- Joint Medical Program Info Session Webinar – 8 May
- TAFE to Uni Webinar – 22 May
- Y10 Subject Selection Webinar – Parents and Students – 29 May
- Mid-Year Info Session – 5 June
- Central Coast Open Day – 17 August
- Newcastle Open Day – 31 August
Click Here for Information and Registration

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