PHONE:(02) 4321 6400 Enrolments
Fee Schedule

2025 Fee Schedule:

Year Tuition              Building Levy
(Per Family)      
Laptop Hire Fee
Total Fees        
7 $7,900 $1,190 $480 $9,570
8 $7,900 $1,190 $460 $9,550
9 $7,900 $1,190 $460 $9,550
10 $7,900 $1,190 $480 $9,570
11 $9,380 $1,190 $460 $11,030
12 $9,380 $1,190 $10,570

Fees are all inclusive with the exception of TVET Courses and some subjects requiring additional resources and activities as outlined in the Subject Selection Handbook.

Sibling discounts for students attending St Edward’s College:

  • Second child in Years 7 to 10 – $1,100
  • Second child in Years 11 to 12 – $1,300
  • Third child in Years 7 to 10 – $1,975
  • Third child in Years 11 to 12 – $2,345
  • 4th child in Years 7 to 10 – $3,160

Please note: Siblings at other Catholic schools are not recognised for the purpose of awarding sibling discounts.

Fee Policies

St Edward’s College does not split fees, all parties who sign the enrolment contract have joint and several liability for the total fees. One invoice is created and emailed to both parties. Separate direct debits can be set up by contacting the College Finance Officer.


Families will receive an email in early Term 1 that will include a fee invoice and statement. The email will include a link to set up a Direct Debit. Payments can be set up either Fortnightly (20 weeks) or Monthly (10 months). Payments can be made via Credit Card or Bank Account Direct Debit. Statements will continue to be provided monthly via email.

There is no discount for paying fees up front.

Financial Hardship

There is a very compassionate process for those parents, who through genuine financial hardship are unable to pay all or part of the College fees. Such cases are considered by the Principal and Business Manager; confidentiality is assured and documentation will be required.

Pursuit of Non-Payment of Fees

The College will pursue payment of fees where no arrangement has been made for delayed settlement. This can ultimately mean the use of a debt collection agency or the legal system, where requests by the College for payment of school fees have failed.

Any enquiries regarding financial matters should be directed to the College Finance Officer, Stephanie Cabban via
t. 4321 6419 or email

Withdrawal from School

Ten weeks’ notice of withdrawal from the College is required in writing to the College Principal or Director of Enrolment. If the full 10 weeks’ notice is not given, the refundable enrolment deposit paid at the time of Acceptance of Offer will be forfeited.


The College insures its own property. It does not insure the belongings of any student.