St Edward’s College Values and Learner Profile
The Learner Profile and College Values were introduced in 2023 to replace the former Code for Learning.
The Learner Profile and the College values are informed by our College Aspiration statement which encourages students to be respectful, autonomous, and resilient learners who are committed to personal growth. The Learner Profile also reflects contemporary learning dispositions which are recognised as important for cultivating the skills for life-long learning.
The Learner Profile is used in classrooms, along with the College values, to help students to be aware of our expectations for how they should approach their learning.
Throughout the year, students are encouraged to reflect upon the Learner Profile and self-assess their progress, with a view to setting learning goals. For this purpose, a rubric has been developed by the College which outlines a progression for the Learner Profile with categories of ‘Exceeding Expectations’, ‘Meeting Expectations’, ‘Working towards Expectations’ and ‘Rarely Meeting Expectations’. This rubric is also used by teachers to report on each student’s approach to their learning in interim and semester reports.