How to register for CSNSW Individual entries
Access the following website:
Select CSNSW
Select The sport you wish to register for e.g tennis, golf, triathlon
Select Register
You will need to create a log in, (if you have not previously done so)
Select I Need Help Logging In
Scroll down to I don’t have a login
Select Register
- As the parent, fill in the first page to register your child
- You will now need to check your email for the password and the login
- Go back to and Login
- You will now be asked to add the details of your child
- (Please note that your child will stay in the system and will go up an age group each year. The only time a parent will need to re-enter a child is when they roll over from primary to secondary)
- Once finished, you will go to My Account
- Here you can change your password and add other children, as well as change school details if your child changes secondary schools
- Save your details
- Go to the Sports link eg tennis, golf, triathlon (back on the homepage)
- Select Register
- Select the registration form
- Once you register, you will need to make payment. Please follow the steps for the Bpay section. You can pay this online. If payment is not made before the date, then your child’s nomination will not be accepted.
However, the nomination will need to be approved by your School Principal/Sports Coordinator. If the Principal/Sports Coordinator does not accept the nomination, you will be reimbursed your fees. Both the Sports Coordinator and Principal will be notified of your nomination and one of these people will either accept or turn down the nomination. This may be related to attendance, behaviour and or the student not meeting the requirements of the Code for Learning here at the College.