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Teaching & Learning Framework

Rooted in the EREA Learning Statement, our framework is dedicated to liberating the potential of every learner by co-creating conditions that foster deep listening, confidence, agency, and freedom. Through Liberating Pedagogies, we create safe, flexible learning environments where students can actively participate, collaborate, and engage in critical thinking. Our commitment to Liberating Potential means tailoring learning experiences to each student’s unique strengths and passions, guiding them toward personal growth. Through innovative Liberating Learning Design, we offer diverse pathways for engagement within a connected educational community.

Pedagogical Model

Teachers know their students well and engage them in building supportive, inclusive, and stimulating learning environments. Teachers motivate and empower students to manage their own learning and develop agency.
Teachers present challenging tasks to support students in generating and investigating real-world questions, gathering relevant information, and developing ideas. They help students expand their perspectives and preconceptions, understand learning tasks and prepare to navigate their own learning.
Teachers explicitly teach relevant knowledge, concepts and skills in multiple ways to connect new and
existing knowledge. They monitor student progress in learning and provide structured opportunities for practising new skills and developing agency.
Teachers challenge students to move from surface to deep learning, building student ability to transfer and generalise their learning. They support students to be reflective, questioning, and self-monitoring learners.
Teachers use multiple forms of evidence informed assessment and feedback strategies to help students improve their learning and develop agency. They monitor student progress and analyse data to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of their teaching practices, identify areas for improvement and address student individual needs.