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Mission & Identity Framework

Our Mission is to provide an authentic Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition.

An experience of the Church which recognises the divine in every person’s search for meaning, models equality, and listens and responds to those experiencing powerlessness. The interdependence and fragility of life on earth and the need for life-giving connections which foster solidarity, justice,  and peace in the world. An evolution in language which allows us to give expression to our stories and beliefs, listen to others, re-imagine our rituals, create new meanings, and facilitate transformation.

Our mission and identity pervade every aspect of school life, including our liturgical life, justice and service work, RAP and formation programs. We strive to ensure we are a sustainable, inclusive, and just community developing minds and hearts that are “challenged to serve”.

The four EREA touchstone focus areas At St Edward’s, the four Touchstones of The Charter as an Edmund Rice Education Australia school guides every action and we can endeavour to live a Christ-like life. Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition strive to offer a Liberating Education based on a Gospel Spirituality within an Inclusive Community committed to Justice and Solidarity. The Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition describes our distinct, though not unique, identity as Edmund Rice Education Australia. The Charter provides a practical expression of this identity and so is of crucial use in decision-making, planning and review. The Charter uses four Touchstones to describe the culture of a Catholic school which is striving for authenticity in the Edmund Rice tradition. These Touchstones give us ideals authentically linked with the Charism which underpins the ministry in our schools and educational endeavours. They help us set our direction and define our goals as, following Blessed Edmund’s vision, we continue to reflect and to seek to make the Gospel a living reality in our communities.

We invite people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice, and peace a living reality within our community.
Gospel Spirituality
We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.
Liberating Education
Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good.
Inclusive Community
We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the earth itself.
Justice & Solidarity

College Values

This includes providing opportunities for young people to develop and reflect on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours that relate to respectful, equal, and non-violent relationships.
The role of compassion in schools in promoting well-being and supporting the social and emotional development of young people.
A process, beginning with the choice to let go of resentment, negative judgment, and negative behaviour towards the person who has harmed you and yourself.
Inclusion is about providing equitable access and opportunity to all and involves removing discrimination and other barriers so that all individuals feel that they belong and are connected.
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. It is a necessary skill for coping with life’s inevitable obstacles and one of the key ingredients to success.
Commitment to Personal Growth
Approaches and strategies for students to not only practice but also to reflect on the character strengths that are shaping and strengthening their moral compass.