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Message from the Principal

Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone

Gospel Spirituality

As an Edmund Rice Community, we nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and sacraments.

One of the key missions of the College is to foster the spiritual growth of all members of the community. Each year students who have not yet received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation or The Eucharist are invited to participate in a preparation process to receive these sacraments. It is always pleasing to see young men at St Edward’s make the conscious decision themselves to join the Catholic family by taking steps to receive these sacraments. On Friday June 14, five Year 7 students completed their sacramental program at a wonderful ceremony celebrated by Father Greg at St Patrick’s Parish. Jack Spedding received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist, Harry Mitchell received the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist and Eli Leary, Finn Leary and Kaelen Markey received the Sacrament of First Eucharist.

Family members and students from each of these boys’ classes accompanied them at this celebration. We welcome these young men into the life of the Church and ask for their continued blessing on their spiritual journey.


Year 11 Retreats

The first of the Year 11 Street Retreats will be held next week and will once again prove to be a very challenging and insightful experience for staff and students.  Visits to a variety of organisations such as the Wayside Chapel, Salvation Army OASIS Youth Education and Training Centre and St Canice’s Church, to explore issues associated with drug addiction, mental health, domestic violence and homelessness are designed to take students out of their comfort zone and raise awareness about the plight of those at the margins of our society. Students will also visit a Jewish Synagogue to engage in inter-faith dialogue and the Jewish Holocaust Museum where they meet holocaust survivors.  At a workshop presented by the Catholic Mission in North Sydney, students discuss the plight of children in detention, and are engaged in a question and answer session regarding alternative ways to assist people seeking asylum.  I would like to thank Mr Tony Beacroft, Mrs Fran Toomey and the teachers who attend both the Retreats for the wonderful organisation and support they provide the boys while on this experience.


Year 10 Subject Selection Evening

Over the coming weeks, students in Year 10 will begin the process of selecting subjects for Year 11 and 12. An information evening has been organised for Year 10 students and parents this evening, Thursday 20 June.  Information presented at this meeting is designed to assist students in making informed decisions on their pattern of study.  Students will be provided with an information booklet containing an outline for each subject as well as HSC regulations, which they have been encouraged to read before the meeting.  Throughout the last week, Year 10 students have participated in a range of presentations by teachers and students on each of the subjects on offer to assist them in their decision making. St Edward’s has also been in consultation with the Leadership team of St Joseph’s College to explore the possibility of running combined classes in Years 11 and 12, to increase the subject offerings for students at both schools. This exciting initiative is in its early stages of development, and where we are not yet in a position to confirm which subject might be offered across campuses, we are very keen to explore all possibilities. Families of students in Year 10 have recently received information regarding this evening (Thursday June 20) which will begin at 7.00pm in the Edmund Rice Centre and I highly recommend that all parents and students attend. Representatives from St Joseph’s College will also be in attendance to answer any questions regarding the subjects being offered at their College.

During the last week of Term 2, all Year 10 students will be provided with an opportunity to meet in small groups with Mr Summerhayes and a selection of Leaders of Learning to seek further advice and ask questions on their subject choices.


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